Sancho and Varane on the bench? You do the math.

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August 24, 2021
August 24, 2021

Life is full of fiendish, potentially unanswerable questions.

Why are we here? 

How did Donald Trump become president? 

Why do Brits say ‘maths’?

But the most frustrating question of all right now is a footballing one.

Why break the bank to buy one of the finest players in the world - and then sit him on the bench like a chump?

I’m looking at you - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

Why spend 73 million on Jadon Sancho to SOLVE the problem of a mis-firing attack - and then give Jadon Sancho a front row seat to WATCH (image) the problem of a mis-firing attack?

Why buy World Cup winner Raphael Varane because your defense is shaky, and then force him to watch 90 mins of slap-stick defending? 

Are you lonely on the bench Ole? Did you buy these guys for company? 

If so, why not hang pitch-side with Martial and Fred instead? Every single minute those guys spend on the sidelines makes Man U a better team.

Or are Sancho and Varane there with you as some kind of weird Clockwork Orange experiment - a sensory overload of god-awful football designed to create the ultimate footballing weapon? 

Well if that’s the plan, it sure as sh*t work didn’t on Donny Van De Beek. The poor guy can barely even kick a ball these days. And he gets fewer minutes on the Old Trafford turf than a glamorous streaker.

Just look at Chelsea. It's not complicated. Break the bank for Lukaku; start Lukaku; Lukaku scores and wins you the game.

What’s confusing here Ole? It's right there in the name: ‘player’ - noun from the verb ‘to play’. 

Come on people - do the math here.

Oh my gosh wait - mathematics! Of course! There’s an ‘s’ at the end. ‘Maths’. Wow...suddenly it all makes sense.